Sandra A Agard on Jean

I first saw Jean when she performed her Mad Woman's Poem in what l think was at her first London gig at the Africa Centre in Convent Garden? It was electric. She left us feeling stunned and in total pieces. We had never seen a performance like this before and we knew immediately that Jean Binta Breeze was a very special Black woman indeed.

Fast forward a number of years l became the Literature Development Officer for Southwark libraries. As part of our Live Literature programme we conducted creative writing workshops led by poets and writers.

Jean was one of the first poets to take part in this programme. She was brilliant. For a whole week she gave so much of herself to inspiring poets and writers.

Jean would return to Southwark libraries to deliver her unique brand of performance poetry. She was always warmly received and always left her mark.

Jean could come across fierce and uncompromising but as she fought so many roads l for one admired that despite challenges she always rose. She told me how she would share her medication with others Back Home as resources were scare. Yes she was both firece and brave. Her laughter and sadness were in equal measure at times for she gave so much of herself always.

I will miss her forever but she has joined the ancestors and l know they are certainly having an ire time in the heavens.
Rest in Peace, Power and Words My Dearest Sistar.
One Love Always.
Sandra A Agard