Tobago Crusoe is a calypsonian, composer and musician a per­form­ing artist, com­pos­er, mu­si­cian, em­cee and mas­ter of the art form of ca­lyp­so for over 30 years. He performed calypso in the films Paddington and Paddington 2 and the linked CD.  As part of Hull 2017, he was featured in Tilt’s Hull Liming as part of the BBC’s Contains Strong Language festival. He has performed all around the UK and was the Calypsonian-in-Residence at London Is The Place For Me Caribbean festival at the British Library in September 2018.

In 2023, he performed at the Windrush 75th Concert, and Carnival Unplugged- an innovative show on the History of Carnival from the Caribbean to Notting Hill. He is re­gard­ed as an ex­tem­po ge­nius and ranks with the best in the arts. His com­po­si­tions are unique and thought pro­vok­ing.

‘His abil­i­ty to ad­dress the is­sues of the day in song, forces the pub­lic to al­ways be on the look­out for his new re­leas­es

-      (The Guardian, Trinidad and Tobago).


To­ba­go Cru­soe's pas­sion for the art form of ca­lyp­so mu­sic un­der­scored his per­for­mances with ex­cel­lence and pride. Tobago was awarded with a position in the Sunshine Awards Hall of Fame for his contribution to Calypso music in 2011.

Tobago has reached international audiences and has performed at festivals and events in Madison Square Garden, Turin, Barcelona and Germany. Currently the lead singer of Calypso outfit ‘Tobago and D’Lime’ he has a long history of musical collaborations including the legendary performers Mighty Sparrow, Calypso Rose and Singing Sandra.