Interview with Jonathan Davidson

Jonathan Davidson, Chief Executive of Writing West Midlands discussed his work with us ahead of the launch of Amanda Smyth’s ‘Fortune’.

What three words best describe you?

Relentlessly optimistic reader.

Tell us how you got into what you do?

I was first of all interested in the sound of my own voice (or how it wrote) and then became more interested in other people’s voices, spoken and written. I took jobs that allowed me to support others and then made an organisation that allowed me to do that exclusively.

What do you most enjoy about being a writer and producer?

As a producer I like to see people enjoying that which they did not even know about until it was presented to them.

Tell us about a creative masterpiece you wish you'd written.

For reasons of age, geographical loyalty and an ear for phrase-making, I wish only to have written ‘Mercian Hymns’ by Geoffrey Hill.

Tell us about an upcoming project that excites you?

I am excited and unnerved by the prospect of organising our regular National Writers’ Conference in Birmingham on Saturday 4th September 2021, and bringing it back to ‘real-space’ after 18 months of being online only.